Friday, April 23, 2010

Focus On The Solution

The mind is a powerful thing and whatever you give your attention to, you will see in your life experience. Thoughts are things.  This is true about everything.  Your house, your car, your tv, a building, the Earth, even your children.  All of these things that exist in physical nature were thoughts in someone's mind before they were created.  You can't have something unless you think about what you want first, right?

You have to treat your new, slim and trim body like this as well.  View yourself not as it is, but as you want it to be.  You need to think of yourself as healthy, slim, trim, sexy, or whatever, even if you aren't that way now.  Viewing yourself in this way should provide some excitement, enthusiasm, hope and inspiration.  Then, the things that you do, the action that you take (eating right and exercising) will net you far better results than if you think otherwise.  See, most of us are great at identifying a problem, such as being overweight.  This usually motivates the majority of us into some sort of exercise routine or new diet.  The problem with that is that motivation is a negative mindset. (If you're new to the blog or need a refresher on what I'm talking about, click here).  Operating in a negative frame of mind never gets good results.  You can't continue to think about yourself in a negative way, and expect positive results.  You can't see yourself as fat, and expect to become thin.

One of the phrases repeated over and over again in the books by Jerry and Esther Hicks is "you get what you think about, whether you want it or not".  This is so true, and if you think about it a little bit, you will see as well.  So, the work to be done is to change your thoughts and focus only on that which you want.  "But, I always think about losing weight all the time and I'm not seeing any results", you might be saying to yourself.  But are you really?  Sure, you may want to lose weight, and you may think about it often.  But how many times is the word "but" part of your mental conversation?

"I want to lose weight but it's too hard."
"I want to be slimmer, but I don't have enough time to exercise."
"I want to be healthy but it's too hard."
"I really want to lose weight, but when it comes to exercise, I'm just too lazy!"

Does any of this sound even remotely familiar?  It should.  We're all guilty of it.  So, I'm here to tell you that you need to work on cutting out the second part of each of those sentences.  No ifs, ands, or buts (even though I only used "but" examples, you get the idea).  Now, its okay to identify and realize that you are, in fact, overweight or out of shape, but it has to stop there.  Once the problem is identified, you then put on your blinders and only focus on the solution.  Only focus on the end result.  Don't look back.  Then, you will see people, places, articles, concepts, foods, ideas, etc. come to you to help you with your goal of losing weight or getting in shape.  These things will come from places you could've never thought of in a million years.

This may be awkward to do at first.  To think of yourself as thin, when you can easily look in the mirror and see that your body is not the way you want it to be.  But just continue to imagine yourself the way you want to be.  One thing that may help is to take a piece of paper and make a list of every single positive aspect of yourself (mind, body, spirit) that you can think of, and then put this paper somewhere where you can easily reference it if you need a shot of inspiration.

Lots more where this came from.  Hope you liked it.

**The image in this post is from (but we'll pretend it says!)


Unknown said...

I really like this one. I know I need to work on positive self-talk. I'll try it and let you know how it goes! =}

Unknown said...

Great post and very good advice.

Kris said...

Thank you. I think the blog is going to remain on more of the inspirational path. Most people these days know what they need to do and somewhat how to do it. They just can't get the energy and focus to actually to those things.