Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lady Loses 530 Pounds!!!

WITHOUT SURGERY OR RADICAL DIETS!  This is so good and I happened to be home to see it just at the right time!  Today, Good Morning America profiled Nancy Makin who, over the past few years, has lost over 500 lbs and kept it off.  How she did it PERFECTLY illustrates the concept of the philosophy that I believe in and will be sharing frequently on this blog.  That philosophy is Law of Attraction based.

One of the quotes that Makin said on the show was, "Food is not the enemy, it is the misuse of food".  That statement is the crux of my book and my beliefs about obesity.  You've seen me refer to it in past posts about people overeating or overindulging in the wrong foods.  It's absolutely true.  Makin lost her weight over a period of several years, and that is important to note.  Too many of us are too impatient, and because of that, go about things the wrong way.  As I discuss in detail in my book, you need to lose weight at a slow and steady pace if you want to keep it off.  There is a very prominent physiological reason for this!  But don't take it from me.  Take it from a lady who lost a quarter ton!

The way that Makin said she lost her weight was by developing relationships online, and getting happy first.  That is critical!  It really is the Law of Attraction in action.  It would be way too long to go into detail here, but I have several posts lined up that will explain what this means.  I think it will totally change the way you look at things and possibly introduce you to concepts that you've never heard.

The basic premise is that you get whatever it is that you are giving your attention to.  The fact that I even saw this story is an example in and of itself.  I haven't seen Good Morning America in years.  I am usually at work by 6 am.  On my days off, I sleep in way past the time that Good Morning America comes on.  What are the chances that on the day they ran this story, I happened to be off work and woke up naturally in time to see it?  The chances are really slim.  But it wasn't a coincidence.  The universe brought it to me because my thoughts were similar.  Ever since I started this blog and started writing my book and doing research on it, diet and weight loss is on my mind a lot, and so diet and weight loss related things seem to move into my experience more frequently.  In fact, several of my posts have been quick, pop-up posts where I was going to write about something else, but I came across something that I wanted to share immediately.  It sure takes the work out of having to come up with ideas all the time.

Anyway, click here if you want to read her story.  She credits her weight loss success to making friends online where she had a support group and felt inspired.  Because she was inspired, the action that she took (eating right) netted her far better results than if she were to do the exact same thing while feeling sad or depressed.  That's what I want to achieve for people with this blog, because everyone deserves to feel good!  If this story isn't inspiring, then I don't know what is!

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