Sunday, April 18, 2010

Age Is Not An Excuse!

When it comes to being healthy and fit, I have a whole philosophy in which I believe is the best and most natural way to maintain a healthy body weight.  It's what my book is based on.  However, as far as getting in shape in general, many people are receptive to it, but there is always a small percentage of people who will come up with every excuse in the book not to do some sort of physical activity.  I get it.  We're all busy.  All excuses stem from the same root though, and that's laziness.

A recurring excuse I hear is, "I'm too old" or "I have bad knees (because I'm too old)" or something to that effect.  And to that I say, If you're knees are bad, if you're back hurts, or if you have an array of other aches and pains, it is exactly YOU who should be the first person in line to work out!  It doesn't matter if you're 80 or 20!  If you're overweight, the weight of the body fat combined with weak muscles can cause an array of problems.  For example, for someone with weak knees, it most likely means the muscles surrounding the knees are weak and need strengthening.

No one says you have to go from zero to 60!  You aren't a ferrari.  Start slow and easy, but do something!  There are plenty of low impact exercises that don't put a lot of pressure on your joints.  Do the elliptical machine or ride a bike instead of run.  Swim instead of doing regular aerobics.  Do yoga or pilates instead of weight lifting.  There is always something you could be doing to burn extra calories.

Get to it!


Laura_G said...


I know for me, I have bad knees - have had all my life, even when I was skinny! HOWEVER, when I started doing yoga about 9 years ago, my knees quit hurting!

Also, one of the things I've never forgotten that my chiropractor said to me is this: "For every 10 pounds you carry in front of you, it puts 100 pounds of pressure on your back." For this reason, I want to lose some weight. I'm tired of my back hurting!

As usual, great post Kris!


Walburga Benker said...

A good point Kris,

for me it is because i´m often too lazy, after a day with housework and office work i do not want to walk after 7pm at the day.

But i have to do because i know i feel much better, so i make a deal with a friend and we walk together so it´s more fun and i can´t say i´m too lazy, my friend wouldn´t allow :)

I love your blog, very interesting, go on with this good work.


Walburga Benker said...

Good morning Kris,

i have no back or knee problems but to my age and high and weight ( 52, 1,60 m, 69,4 kg) i´m 5 kilo overweighted. I gained this since last oktober and i have probs to lose it.
I don´t think it´s because of the fat i eat because i´m very careful with what i eat since i got a stand at the heart 3 years before.

What do you think about the fact that our stress we have some times and the fact that we are not every day in balance because sometimes our soul feels sick? You understand? Can´t explain it better in english.

I went to a fitness center before of this but now the doctor said, no more hard fitness lessons only walking, bike riding. So i do.

Any tips what i can also do to get more power and fitness to my body?

Kris said...

Yes Walburga, there is a simple way to get more power, strength and fitness, and it doesn't require long, strenuous workouts. I have a secret weapon that is very effective in keeping you in shape. It is very simple to use and it's not even something you eat.

As soon as I get my book done, I will let you know what it is!

I'm glad you like the blog!